We know just how hard it is to zero in on an agency that is both successful and available for purchase. That’s precisely why we are so excited to have an extra SALES ALERT to share with interested buyers this month. The opportunities that have just become available are so exciting that they simply couldn’t wait until October! If you are giving real consideration to buying an insurance agency, check out the two hot businesses listed below.
By allying yourself with Springtree Group, you’ll gain access to up-to-date listings through our expansive sourcing network and processes. IMPORTANT: The two shops included below are merely a highlighted sample of the newly listed independent agencies discovered by our research and networking teams. For a complete list of agencies for sale all across the US please reach out to STG.
Shop A: Michigan. This agency specializes in adult foster care, assisted living and home health coverage and has been doing business since 1968. The agency has 3 fulltime employees and 1 part-time bookkeeper. The business split is 60% commercial/40% personal lines and 50%/50% standard/non-standard business. Carriers include Progressive, Fremont Mutual, Lloyds, Dairyland, Michigan Millers and many more. The owner currently rents the agency location at $950 per month with no lease term in place. This agency has reported growth since March 2020!
Reported Revenue: $280K / Asking Price: 2.3X of Revenue. Tracking Code: DMIDH
Shop B: New York. An independent full-service insurance agency located in New York has recently become available for purchase. This is a 50 year old agency that offers competitive insurance programs for Personal Automobiles, Homeowners, Motorcycles, Boats, ATVs, Business Insurance, and Commercial Auto. The agency holds direct appointments with Safeco, Progressive, MetLife, Utica and many more. The business split is 60% personal/40% commercial. The agency management system is Applied System and is fully automated/paperless. The current seller owns the building and is willing to sell or rent.
Report Revenue: $150K / Asking Price: 2.25X of Revenue. Tracking Code: DNYSU
With Springtree Group as your business intermediary, you’ll always have access to the strongest array of M&A and financial tools and services available to support your acquisition, perpetuation and operational needs in any part of North America. STG proudly serves customers in North America, South America, Europe and the Bahamas. Please email us at service@springtreegroup.com or visit our website at www.springtreegroup.com for additional information on our services and agencies for sale.