Independent Agencies Sales Alert – April 2019 Edition

If you are a current insurance agency owner interested in growth, you’ve probably been weighing your options. Adopting a strategy of growth via acquisition of an outside agency will give you a high chance of success. For those agency owners who have never conducted an M&A process before, finding the right insurance agency can be challenging.

Where can I find a list of agencies for sale?

Due to the sensitive nature of insurance agency sales, it is common practice for agencies to never be listed publicly. Statistics show that up to 90% of agencies are hidden from the public in order to avoid causing concern among employees, clients and insurance carriers about an upcoming transfer of ownership.

If you’re having trouble finding an insurance agency to purchase, we’ve got you covered. Each month, we share Sales Alert posts right here on our website. As the largest U.S. business broker (intermediary) specializing in the insurance space (under $5MM), Springtree Group is laser focused on matching buyers with the perfect agency. Our outreach team spends 100% of their time seeking out insurance agencies that are preparing to or have just gone onto the market. Even if their listing is “hidden,” we will know about it.

In addition to our Sales Alert highlight posts, we are in possession at all times of an exhaustive list of a multitude of insurance agencies for sale all across the United States. Upon request, we will provide Registered Buyers with access to our full list of agencies for sale.

This month’s highlighted agencies for sale include:

SHOP C: Memphis Metro: This well-established, Eastern Arkansas agency manages a strong, balanced mix of home and auto, group health, and crop insurance lines. With direct appointments with CNA, Aetna, Progressive, an independent Allstate agency (and more), this agency has a Reported Revenue of $562K and an Asking Price of $1.2M. Tracking Code: AARMG

SHOP J: Western Florida: Here we have a multi-location general agency located in Western Florida. This agency has been writing insurance policies since 1983, as well as selling medical and P&C products. The bulk of the business is in Medicare supplement and advantage business. There are currently 19 sales agents. The agency holds carrier appointments with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Heritage, Progressive, and more. Reported Revenue $2.35MM / Asking Price 2X of Revenue. Tracking Code: DFLBW

SHOP M: Western Florida: Domiciled in Tampa, this highly respected Third-Party Administrator (TPA) provides administrative services to employers for fully insured group Medicare retiree medical plans. This is an amazing opportunity, as group retiree medical plans have matured into a nationally recognized niche product. Services are provided to 150 groups and 4,800 retirees. An extraordinary cross sell opportunity; this seller is willing to continue working past close if requested. Reported revenue $654K / Asking Price $979K. Tracking Code: DFLJP

To learn more about listings in Southeastern Michigan, Houston Metro, Dallas/Fort Worth, Phoenix Metro, South Carolina, Northern Ohio, Southern California, Central Valley California, Southeastern California, Lakewood, California, and more, email: